Track Section Profiles
In Albion’s SFS system, the track sections are used as top and bottom runners and window or door lintels. With the stud sections used primarily as vertical members resisting lateral forces.
On larger openings combined sections, utilising both types of profile, are used as lintels and jambs.
A new extended range is now available. To view the span tables for these additional sections, download our SFS Flyer.
These section properties are calculated in accordance with BS5950 Part 5:1998.
For all additional information, download our SFS brochure or contact one of our Sales or Technical personnel. Contact details can be found on the Contact Us page.

Albion Structural Framing System (SFS)
Design Specification
Our sections are manufactured from cold forming pre hot dipped galvanised steel S450 with guaranteed minimum yield strength of 450N/mm2 and a Z275 galvanised coating.
Albion offers non load bearing external wall framing system, infill or continuous, supporting the weight of lightweight claddings and resist lateral wind forces.
Design of the sections to BS5950 Part 5:1998. A load factor of 1.4 is adopted for the load tables.
The load tables (in Albion’s Structural Framing System Manual) can be used as a guide to size stud sections. They include spans up to 6m, with a range of deflection criteria from span/200 to span/360.
Also incorporated are differing types of stud restraint condition from full restraint provided by the cladding system, unrestrained sections and tie restrains provided at mid span.
Although studs are generally fixed at 600mm centres we offer safe loads for additional stud centres of 400,500 and 1000mm.

External Walling Technical Manual
Download Albion’s technical manual for on site framing systems.
Designed to provide cladding support to external wall elevations, Albion Sections SFS System can be applied either using infill panels, set within the structural frame or continuous framing, positioned outside the main structural frame.

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Albion new Structural Framing Technical Manual incorporates:
Projects where Albion SFS has been utilized and which highlight the versatility of the system.
Details of our comprehensive range of stud and track sections.
Typical details on infill and continuous framing.
Typical wall cladding types.
To assist engineers and designers the manual incorporates section properties and load span tables toboth BS5950 Part 5:1998 and BS EN 1993-1-3:2006.
Our manufacturing systems are designed with the Customer in mind. We are able to offer sections cut to length and, where necessary, supply to site in phases.
Our range of sections are detailed on page 4, we can however offer special profiles for bespoke applications.
The maximum length of section is limited to 15m although, in practise, handling and transport considerations usually dictate.
To accompany Albion’s Steel Framing Solutions (SFS) brochure, the SFS flyer contains details of Albion’s extended range of stud and track sections. Section properties and span tables of the extended range can be found in the downloadable flyer below.

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Albion structural steel framing sections
Albion Sections On Site Fixed Framing System is designed to provide Cladding Support to External Wall Elevations either using Infill Panels, set within the Structural Frame or Continuous Framing, positioned outside the main Structural Frame.
Our system offers versatility in design and speed of erection on site, it is backed up by:-
- Design and production systems encompassed within a Quality Assurance System approved to ISO 9001:2000
- Full in-house technical support underwritten by Professional Indemnity Insurance.
- Range of channel sections from 85mm deep to 300mm deep with associated track profiles.
- Facility to issue order and CNC data (for main sections only).
- Sections cut to length and where necessary, supply to site in phases.
- The maximum length of section is limited to 15m although, in practise, handling and transport considerations usually dictate.
- Special profiles for bespoke applications are also available.
For details, see page 4 of our Structural Framing Systems brochure, download here.
Please contact our Sales and Technical personnel for more information at our Contact Us page.