Sleeve Assembly and Cleat Details

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  • Sleeves are required to provide structural continuity of the purlin section across the supporting rafter.
  • All sleeves are of similar length and longitudinal drillings consistent.
  • Sleeve thickness is dependent on purlin thickness.
Purlin ThicknessSleeve Thickness
Up to 1.8mm2.0mm
Over 1.8mm - 2.3mm2.5mm
Over 2.3mm - 3.0mm3.0mm

Albion Tip: The most cost effective purlin system, in terms of material content and number of components to erect, is the double span butt system.

Purlin SeriesABCThicknessHole dia
All 20015435209614
All 265205422721018
All 300240423071018

Material: Mild Steel
Finish: Natural

Note: Where Albion standard cleats are not provided, take care to ensure that sufficient clearance is provided from the underside of the purlin to the top of the rafter for the installation of the sleeve.

Single Span Butt System

Double Span Butt System

Single Span Sleeved System

Heavy End Bay System