Rail Systems – Horizontal Cladding

Horizontal cladding is a frequently adopted on buildings and special attention has to be paid to the cold rolled support required. In particular, where the cladding joint requires a 140mm face, two solutions are provided in the Albion system.

Note that the channel joint rail is adopted where the panel joint is remote from the main frame column and the channel joint rail where the joint is at the colum position.

The Albion cladding joint rail

Section Properties (cladding joint rails section)

referenceweight kg/mlxx cm4lyy cm4Xc mmYc mmMcy kN-mMcx kN-m
CJR 1.64.16170.5270.9231.2082.703.215.81
CJR 2.05.18210.7587.4831.2182.724.418.15

Cladding joint rail working load capacity UDL (kN)

Horizontal rail centres in meters

CJR 1.616.0710.718.036.435.36
CJR 2.022.0714.7211.048.837.36

The Albion channel joint rail

Albion sections standard range of channel sections with special “dogleg” cleats.

Use minimum C146 Section

Horizontal rail centres in meters

channel ref1.


Vertical Rail Assemblies

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